Delaware Wildflowers • Guides • Veronica
Veronica officinalis, Common Speedwell
Thick, hairy leaves, up to 2" long.
Veronica serpyllifolia, Thyme-leaved Speedwell
Leaves less than an inch long.
Two are larger (up to 3' tall), found along streams (only in the Piedmont), with flowers in racemes:
Veronica anagallis-aquatica, Water Speedwell
Leaves are stalkless and may clasp the stem.
Veronica americana, American Speedwell
Leaves have short stalks.
A rare native plant.
Veronica arvensis, Corn Speedwell
A hairy plant with tiny blue flowers.
Veronica peregrina var. peregrina, Purslane Speedwell
A smooth plant with tiny white flowers.
Four have flowers with stalks, not in racemes:
Veronica hederifolia, Ivyleaf Speedwell
The plant is hairy, and the leaves are wider than long.
Veronica persica, Bird-eye Speedwell
Showy flowers about 1/2" wide on long stalks, above the leaves.
Veronica agrestis, Field Speedwell
Flowers about 1/4" wide; "mature calyx-lobes tapering, longer than the capsule; seeds 3-8 per cell of the capsule."
Veronica polita, Speedwell
Flowers about 1/4" wide; "mature calyx-lobes about as long as the capsule; seeds 9-12 per cell"
Piedmont only.
Sources: The Flora of Delaware, Herbaceous Plants of Maryland.