Delaware Wildflowers • Months

Two-leaf Bishop's-cap
Mitella diphylla
Saxifragaceae — Saxifrage family
Rare native
Two-leaf Bishop's-cap
Two-leaf Bishop's-cap
White Clay Creek State Park -- Creek Road
April 2024
Two-leaf Bishop's-cap
White Clay Creek State Park -- Creek Road
April 2012
Two-leaf Bishop's-cap
Two-leaf Bishop's-cap
White Clay Creek Preserve
May 2009
Two-leaf Bishop's-cap
White Clay Creek State Park -- Creek Road
May 2010
Two-leaf Bishop's-cap
This plant is from seed collected from the plant shown above (May 2010.)
The backyard
May 2013
Two-leaf Bishop's-cap
Another photo of my plants.
The backyard
June 2013

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Photos copyright David G. Smith

Information from the Delaware Flora Checklist used with author's permission.

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