Persicaria perfoliata, Mile-a-minute (Polygonum perfoliatum)
Invasive non-native, Piedmont & coastal plain
The sheath forms a leaf-like blade around the stem. Fruit is bright blue.
Persicaria sagittata, Arrowleaf Tearthumb (Polygonum sagittatum)
Native, Piedmont & coastal plain
Larger leaves are shaped like a long narrow arrowhead,
with small lobes at the base that point towards the stem.
Persicaria arifolia, Triangle-leaf Tearthumb (Polygonum arifolium)
Native, Piedmont & coastal plain
Larger leaves are more triangular, with lobes that point to the sides.
Also called "Halberd-leaved tearthumb."
Persicaria amphibia, Water Smartweed (Polygonum coccineum)
Native, coastal plain only
Pink flowers in 1 - 3 terminal spikes.
Persicaria glabra, Dense-flowered Smartweed (Polygonum densiflorum)
Native, coastal plain only
Whitish flowers in a panicle of several spikes.
Persicaria pensylvanica, Pennsylvania Smartweed (Polygonum pensylvanicum)
Native, Piedmont & coastal plain
The upper stem is covered with stalked glands — short hairs ending in tiny knobs.
Persicaria lapathifolia, Dock-leaf Smartweed (Polygonum lapathifolium)
Native, Piedmont & coastal plain
The upper stem is smooth or with stalkless glands.
Persicaria orientalis, Prince's-plume Smartweed (Polygonum orientale)
Non-native, Piedmont only
Broad leaves, compared to most of the Persicaria species, and dark pink or red flowers.
Persicaria hydropiper, Marshpepper Smartweed (Polygonum hydropiper)
Non-native, Piedmont & coastal plain
Stems reddish, sheaths swollen on one side.
Persicaria punctata, Dotted Smartweed (Polygonum punctatum)
Native, Piedmont & coastal plain
Stems green, sheaths not swollen one side.
Persicaria maculosa, Lady's Thumb Smartweed (Polygonum persicaria)
Non-native, Piedmont & coastal plain
Pink-purple flowers in a dense inflorescense up to 1/2" diameter.
Leaves often have a dark blotch, but other species sometimes have this too.
Persicaria hydropiperoides, Water-pepper Smartweed (Polygonum hydropiperoides)
Native, Piedmont & coastal plain
Pink-purple flowers, inflorescense less dense, under 1/4" diameter.
Perennial, wet places.
Persicaria longiseta, Longbristle Smartweed (Polygonum cespitosum)
Invasive non-native, Piedmont & coastal plain
Pink-purple flowers, bristles as long as the sheath or longer.
Persicaria virginiana, Virginia Smartweed (Polygonum virginianum, Tovara virginiana)
Native, Piedmont & coastal plain
White flowers in a loose inflorescense.
Persicaria careyi, Carey's Smartweed (Polygonum careyi)
Historical native, coastal plain only
Sources: The Flora of Delaware, Herbaceous Plants of Maryland.