Unionville Barrens Naturalist Walk
Delaware Nature Society program, September 12, 2013
Visit the Unionville Serpentine Barrens to learn about the ecology of this rare habitat. Seek unusual plants, and look for migrant songbirds during the height of migration. This site is one of the few small Serpentine Barrens that remain east of Nottingham and is undergoing a habitat restoration with associated research projects. Bring a bag lunch and a drink. -- Leader: William Ryan
Most photos were taken at the ChesLen Preserve.
Also see this blog post describing a plant conservation project at the site.
Phosphila turbulenta
Turbulent phosphila caterpillar
It was placed on the oak leaf for the picture. They feed on Smilax.
Turbulent phosphila caterpillar
It was placed on the oak leaf for the picture. They feed on Smilax.
Asclepias verticillata
Whorled Milkweed
Whorled Milkweed
Ageratina aromatica
Lesser Snakeroot
Lesser Snakeroot
Sorghastrum nutans
Yellow Indian-grass
Yellow Indian-grass
Cerastium velutinum var. velutinum
Serpentine Chickweed
Serpentine Chickweed
Quercus prinoides
Dwarf Chinquapin Oak
Dwarf Chinquapin Oak
Hypericum gentianoides
Orange-grass St. Johnswort
Orange-grass St. Johnswort
Sabatia angularis
Square-stemmed Rose Pink
Square-stemmed Rose Pink
Eacles imperialis
Imperial moth caterpillar
The caterpillar was 3-4" long; the adult wingspan can be over 6 inches.
Imperial moth caterpillar
The caterpillar was 3-4" long; the adult wingspan can be over 6 inches.
Cunila origanoides
Symphyotrichum depauperatum
Serpentine aster
Solidago nemoralis var. nemoralis
Gray Goldenrod
Gray Goldenrod
Copyright David G. Smith